Video rough cut learner response
Comments & feedback:
- There are some great elements here – the first minute is particularly strong. Excellent lip syncing, multiple locations, strong performance. It uses music video conventions and the pace, particularly in that opening section, feels just right.
- You’ve got a brand identity for the artist at the start but I wonder if that could be stronger and whether you can incorporate the shoe sponsorship too (I’m assuming the Nike section in the middle is for that but I don’t think I saw it anywhere else).
- I really like the effects in that final section but we can’t really give it credit if it’s after the three-minute mark. Is there a way you could use those elements elsewhere in the video?
- Overall, I think it’s worth reflecting on the complete three-minute structure when re-editing the final cut. The first minute is so strong but then later there are some shots that are on-screen for a long time which loses the excellent pace established early on.
- Fill in the gaps in the video and don't keep scene for too long cut them and put clips in between
- Create brand identity ( X nike? )
- Fade out song from 2:56
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