Preliminary exercise: Research and planning

1) State the song you have chosen for your preliminary exercise.

Flowers ( Miley Cyrus) 

2) Choose at least three music videos similar to your concept and watch a clip or more from each. Make bullet-point notes on everything you watch, commenting on camerawork, editing and mise-en-scene.

Perfect- One Direction  ( camera angles and shots) 

Feather-Sabrina Carpenter  ( Beginning of music video, camera movements as artist is walking and camera is following. 

Bejeweled- Taylor Swift  ( Narrative towards the middle and end of the video as she gained confidence and independence as she also got a massive glow up and a juxtaposition of herself of her life before and after. ) 

3) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can find an example of a treatment here. If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project.

Different shot of the artist depending on the setting. may include the sponsorship for the shoe maybe in a setting of an advert in the street on one of those billboards. Jump cuts of artists in a park and maybe central London. Camera shot of streets and random locations to highlight streets of London. Add brand logo at the end ( the font website ) 

4) Write a shot list containing EVERY shot you plan to film AND additional shots to create flexibility when editing (in a music video you will find you need FAR more shots than you think, particularly close-ups). These additional shots can be close-ups, alternative angles or something more creative. I advise using a simple table on Microsoft Word/Google Docs to set out your shot list - you can find an example here (this is from narrative filmmaking but the same format can be used for any video project). 

At the beginning maybe a shot of buildings or one of the setting but without the artist to introduce the artist later in the video. With that there is going to be an off font with the artist name and the name of the song. 

Long shots - to show clear setting area

Medium shot- to highlight the outfit of the artist 

Hand-held camera shots in green fields. 

Low angle shots - emphasis of power. 

Medium close-up shots- different parts of the outfit

Extreme close-up shots- Jewellery / Props 

5) Plan your mise-en-scene: what iconography are you including to ensure your audience understands the genre and style of your artist? Plan your settings, costume, make-up, props and lighting. 

Light make-up look for the artist to give a natural look to attract mainstream audiences. 

Lighting I may use natural lighting or a ring light. 

Costume: streetwear/ old money vibes to aim at my target audiences ( young audiences and more mainstream middle class) 

Propps: make-up, jewellery, shoes 

6) Plan a shooting schedule that will ensure everything is filmed by the deadline. Include when, where, who is required, planned equipment and any other aspects you need to arrange. 

Central London / Park ( Friday) 
 Main artist + side character  
Equipment - Phone/ Lighting 

Ideas : 
Good cinematography and camera shots inspirations 


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